Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bee Research Looking for Volunteers!

Medical practitioner and scientists are stating that the human body can withstand 1,000 bee stings and still survive. We are looking for any individual taking that position to volunteer for an experimental 500 bee sting health test to test their position.

This is a rant against the medical community and scientists who have studied the effects of bee venom in the human body. There are actually professional medical practitioners and scientists out there that are saying that the human body can withstand 1,000 bee stings and still survive.  This would be very rare.

Bee venom is designed to cause an allergic reaction and shock. The misconception comes from the fact that our emergency services personnel are well trained to treat for shock – in this case anaphylactic shock. Even with one sting, a person can suffer anaphylactic shock, depending on their immune system’s response to the bee venom injected. Once the person stung is safely out of shock, you still have the fact of envenomation.

Envenomation usually follows a predictable cycle. There is a curve of intense danger that can cause heart attacks, organ failure from the poison and maybe central nervous system failure. It is no different from snake bites, wood scorpion bites, or in some cases black widow spider bites. It is a matter of how much venom that the body has to overcome and the victim’s immune system’s ability to handle it. The envenomation period has to be monitored carefully in a hospital.

Although I support the fact that our medical community thinks they have this under control and are capable of handling it, I wonder why so many people still are dying from bee attacks? Let’s get real on this! People can die from bee stings.

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